Lendlease & Phoenix Property Investors new $185m Joint Venture on Industrial & Logistics Precinct in St. Marys
The industrial market continues to boom in Western Sydney with Lendlease and Hong Kong based Phoenix Property Investors entering a JointVenture to develop at 30-hectare site in St. Marys.
The site is located at 75-103 Links Road and is a strategic location for future industrial development. It’s location near interstate transport routes provides its future occupiers with terrific transport connectivity both within Sydney and Australia wide (in close proximity to the upcoming Western Sydney Airport and the new Sydney Metro. This development will aid in meeting the increased demand across the growing Industrial and Logistics sector in Sydney.
A masterplan for the precinct is scheduled to be submitted in2023.
We look forward to the continued growth in the industrial sector and working along our much valued clients.
To discuss any of the above in greater detail please contact our Manager –Infrastructure and Industrial, Mina Fahmy on 0409 088 545 or at m.fahmy@theoriongroup.au
Drone and Digital Update
Drones in construction - leveraging remote sensing to obtain a better outcome
Drone applications in the construction and planning industry are becoming more and more prevalent. Do you know and understand how this technology is being utilised and where it could benefit you in your projects?
Drone acquisitions of a site are a fast, repeatable, quantifiable and safer way of ascertaining information on various aspects of your site, such as:
- Stockpile calculations,
- Asset quantification,
- Visualisation, or
- Flood modelling.
These are just to name a few. If you are looking to map this type of information, a drone acquisition might be your answer.
Over the last three years, Orion has undertaken many drone acquisitions and surveys delivering various outputs to service client requirements. These include, but are not limited to:
- Orthophotos / Orthomosaics
- Point Clouds
- DTMs / DSMs
- 3D textured Reality Mesh
To discuss any of the above in greater detail please contact our UAV and Digital Lead, Ryan Pearce on 0430 099 248 or at r.pearce@theoriongroup.au
WSC Update
Changes to contract administration and additional costs for minor works applications
From 1 June 2023, Sydney Water now charges customers for the administration of their application for minor works applications that require a Developer Works Deed (DWD).
If clients need to enter a DWD with Sydney Water aspart of their requirements, there is additional time spent by our staff administering the application that is not covered by the IPART determined application fee.
In fairness, we will charge a fee to ensure our client base does not subsidise work that benefits a single development. TheNotice of Requirements tells the customer they may need to pay these costs.
Picton Wastewater Scheme – wastewater connections update
Sydney Water provides wastewater services to Picton, Tahmoor, Thirlmere, Bargo and Buxton, as part of the Picton Wastewater Scheme. Wastewater from homes and businesses is treated at the Picton Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) to produce recycled water, which is used to irrigate crops at Picton Farm.
Expanding the wastewater scheme
As communities in the Picton area continue to grow, wastewater flows to the Picton WRRF have increased, exceeding the capacity at farm to reuse all the recycled water produced. This impacts the ability to allow new wastewater connections to the Picton Wastewater Scheme for housing and growth.
Sydney Water have been working on a plan to expand and upgrade the Picton Wastewater Scheme to manage the recycled water produced at the Picton WRRF. This includes working closely with the EnvironmentProtection Authority (EPA) and Wollondilly Shire Council to identify options that could service growth, are cost effective, and maintain local waterway health.
Although developing this plan is complex and challenging, Sydney Water is committed to providing a reliable and sustainable water resource recovery facility - that enables development for new homes and businesses in the area to connect to the wastewater system.
Current criteria and requirements for new wastewater connections
Depending on the plan that the EPA agrees to, and until any required improvements are completed, proposed developments will only be able to connect to the Picton Wastewater Scheme if they meet the required criteria.
Sydney Water have advised they will no longer need to introduce the additional criteria constraints for new wastewater connections in the Picton area that were planned from 1 May 2023. They will be retaining the development criteria requirements that have been in place since November2020.
Sydney Water is working together with Wollondilly Shire Council to ensure that development applications are assessed as efficiently as possible and meet the criteria and requirements for new wastewater connections.
Infrastructure contributions
Sydney Water has extended the deadline for submissions by four weeks to 5 pm on Friday, 7 July 2023.
To discuss any of the above in greater detail please contact our Technical Director - Water Servicing, Florian Jaehne on 0498493 479 or at f.jaehne@theoriongroup.au